Have you ever looked at an ICE credit report and wanted to talk to the credit manager handling the account? You now have the ability to do that and much more. Read below to learn some helpful ways to contact your fellow ICE member.
If you are attending credit group meetings and receiving emails for participation, then you have contact roster access. You can now access the roster directly from ICE. Select the group you would like to view and get the most up to date contact roster information that can easily be exported into an excel.
When you pull a credit report, you can hover over the member number to see who is assigned to that account. You can also drill into the account to see the credit manager and their contact info. This makes it easier to contact someone immediately when reviewing a credit report.
Our objective is to support a strong network of credit managers. This has always been one of the biggest benefits of joining an NACM credit group.
We rely on our members for accurate contact information. You can update your information at any time by selecting the my company tab, then selecting my profile.
Contact ICE Support at ICESupport@ICECreditexchange.com if you would like additional training or information.